The World of Enid d’Tancreville and Rue Nath - The Nautical Fantasy Novels of Shawn Carpenter.

“Frigate Combat” - Nicholas Pocock

About Shawn Carpenter

Shawn Carpenter is a new author in an old skin. His colorful work history includes cowboy, airman, chicken guard, game designer, and corporate cog. Ships and the sea have enamored Shawn since his childhood in tragically landlocked Oklahoma, where, after peregrinations to all corners of the US, he now lives with his lovely wife, two sons, three dogs, and a cat. His three grown children observe his antics from a safe distance.

Shawn is represented by Liza Dawson and Associates and has recently sold two nautical fantasy novels to Saga Press, which will see print in early 2024.


When bloody revolution drives Enid d'Tancreville from her beloved homeland of Ardainne, she resolves to immigrate to Albion. That kingdom, powerful beyond its size and long Ardainne’s rival for world domination, has declared its intent to see the revolutionary Theocratic Republic cast down and traditional noble rule restored – by war if necessary. A skilled sorceress, Enid is confident her abilities will win her a brevet in one of Albion's distinguished cavalry regiments.

Enid's plans change radically when the merchant ship bearing her and other noble refugees to the Spice Isles is captured by the Albion frigate Alarum. The frigate's ship sorcerer was lost earlier in battle and her captain, Rue Nath, is delighted to find a potential replacement aboard his prize. Driven by great need, he offers Enid a temporary commission as his ship's sorcerer – and the opportunity to take immediate and decisive action against the Theocratic Republic at sea.

Thrust into the midst of a small, insulated community and confined within a cramped country defined by the ship's wooden walls, Enid discovers the threat of revolution is not confined to shore. The crew’s loyalty is split between captain Nath, who has provided a steady stream of prizes and prize money, and Master Harde, who takes every opportunity to cast doubt on the young captain’s capabilities and decisions – and his decision to welcome an Ardain viper into the wardroom definitely sits ill with some of the foremast jacks.

Fortunately for Enid, Captain Nath is not her only ally aboard Alarum. She soon finds that she has another, less tangible mentor and friend, and comes to the uneasy understanding that the sea does not always keep its dead.

The Cutting Out of the Hermione - Thomas Whitcombe

The Cutting Out of the Hermione by Thomas Whitcombe

“Do not discount the importance of one frigate, Marquise," Nath said. "It is my firm belief that one frigate in the right place, at the right time, with the right people aboard her, is worth a dozen plodding regiments. We move freely and we strike fiercely.”

— Commander Rue Nath, HMS Alarum, 28 guns.

“Retrieving the Stern Boat” Andreas Achenbach